India’s 1st Microsoft Web Camps

It was a proud moment that India’s first Microsoft web-camp was organized in Dehradun by Tula’s Institute which has been ranked among the best engineering colleges in Dehradun. The event saw Mr. Brady Gaster the famous technical evangelist Microsoft Corporation USA interact with the students.

The main agenda of MICROSOFT WEB CAMPS was to help students learn how to develop beautiful, interactive and fast web sites using Microsoft’s web tools and platform. Students were also taught about various aspects from .asp net to cloud computing to a whole lot more. Here’s a snapshot of the topics that were covered in the sessions and demonstrated with extensive hands-on resources.

  • What’s new in ASP.NET 4.5
  • Building and deploying websites with ASP.NET MVC 4
  • Creating HTML5 Applications with jQuery
  • Building a service layer with ASP.NET Web API
  • Leveraging your ASP.NET development skills to build Office Apps
  • Building and leveraging social services in ASP.NET

The Web Camp – Dehradun was a big hit which saw over 450 attendees in person which included students from various colleges along with leading developers from Dehradun. The event was also video-recorded so as to upload the same on you-tube so that all those who missed out can get a glimpse of the same in the days to come.

It is notable to know that Tula’s Institute since its inception in 2006 has always been at the forefront of change and is thus regarded as a top engineering college in Uttarakhand.

It was only a few months back that Tula’s had organized an exclusive 2-Day HR Conclave which saw prominent corporate professionals visit Dehradun from across the country. It is as a result of such events that Tula’s Institute over the years has been ranked among the top 10 engineering college in Uttarakhand for the exposure and over-all grooming that a student undergoes as part of the curriculum laid down by Industry experts.

“Event exceeded my expectations. I would like to thank Tula’s Institute and would love to be a part of more such sessions in the future when new technologies are released/announced”, quoted Mr Yogesh Kumar (Software Developer)

Mr. Gaster was overwhelmed with the hospitality and said that he found the campus “gorgeous” and the students very receptive. He believes that the students are very talented in this part of the world and he will be very happy to share Microsoft’s technological advancements in the future too.

Speaking on the occasion, Ms Silky Jain, Head Corporate Relations said, “It is a proud moment for us that the country’s first Microsoft Web-camp was organized in Dehradun. The web-camp provided the students with an ideal opportunity to interact with the famous Technical Evangelist Mr Brady Gaster from Microsoft Corporation USA.”

Mr. VenkateshSarvasiddhi, Head, Windows Phone and Cloud servicesEvangelism at Microsoft India was also present at the event. He shared the information on upcoming events that Microsoft plans to launch in India for students.

Professionals from Microsoft India were a part of the event too, Mr ShantanuKaushik, an MVP & Windows Expert, who has delivered more than 50 webcasts for Microsoft India spoke about the features of Windows 8 and content creation opportunities for the aspiring IT professionals.

“I would like to thank Tula’s Institute for giving us the opportunity to meet and interact with Brady Sir. All the sessions were not only informative but very interactive as well.”
Kunal Shah (student, Tula’s Institute)

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