Conferences Organized

A conference is a gathering of multiple individuals of the parent and other institutes to discuss and share their views on a specific theme. It is easy to mix it up with conventions, colloquia, and symposiums. While each conference is unique in terms of size and purpose, the phrase can be used to the overall concept. The keynote address is delivered by one or more keynote speakers in all the conferences. The key note speakers selected are well-known personalities/Experts in the field, and their presence is intended to encourage more people to attend the conferences. The list of conferences organized by the institute is as follows:

SNo.Conference Name Conference SponserVenueOrganizing Date
1IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Materials (ICACCM-2024)IEEETula’s Institute, Dehradun (India)Proposed for 22-23 Nov, 2024
2International Scientific Conference on MilletsIAASTula’s Institute, Dehradun (India)4-5 July, 2023
3IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Materials (ICACCM-2022)IEEE, AICTETula’s Institute, Dehradun (India)10-11 Nov, 2022
48th IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Engineering (UPCON 2021)IEEETula’s Institute, Dehradun (India)11-13 Nov. 2021
5IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Materials (ICACCM-2020)IEEETula’s Institute, Dehradun (India)21-22 August, 2020
6Conference on Imagineering: Imagination and EngineeringUCOSTTula’s Institute, Dehradun (India)25 October, 2018
7Interactive Workshop on Emerging Trends in Agribusiness and Allied SciencesPlantica & Tula's InstituteTula’s Institute, Dehradun (India)30 August-1 September 2018
8IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Automation (ICACCA-2017- Fall)IEEETula’s Institute, Dehradun (India)15-16 September, 2017
9IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Automation (ICACCA-2016)IEEETula’s Institute, Dehradun (India)8-9 April, 2016
10IEEE Two Days Women in Engineering SymposiumIEEETula’s Institute, Dehradun (India)19-20 Feb. 2016
11IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communication Engineering (ICACCE-2015)IEEETula’s Institute, Dehradun (India)1-2 May, 2015
12International Conference on Advances in Electronics, Electrical and Computer Science Engineering (EEC)Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors and Uttrakhand Technical UniversityTula’s Institute, Dehradun (India)7-9 July, 2012