IEEE Student Branch (STB17561)

IEEE is the world’s largest professional association advancing innovation and technological excellence for the benefit of humanity. IEEE-Tulas Student Branch organizes talks, tutorials, hands-on workshops, industrial visits and distinguishes lectures with an intention to reach out to students, faculties and industry professionals. The programs are an exercise in life long learning and are offered for the continuing education and skill upgradation of professionals. IEEE-Tulas Student Branch aims to create an awareness among the students community about the recent advancements and to make them aware of the industry standards and expectations; thereby bridging the gap between academia and industry. To provide a platform for networking with industry experts and to simulate critical and logical thinking amongst the students.

Tula’s IEEE SB consist of various student bodies some of which are IEEE WIE Affinity Group, IEEE Computer Society, IEEE PES, IEEE Sensors Council etc. To know more visit: