Wi-Fi Facility

Availability of 24Hrs Wi-Fi internet access in the campus with 205 mbps speed and Comprehensive e-learning environment provided in the campus, enables all the students and faculty members to be connected which is essential for effective learning.

Our Digital library has over 5800+ e-books available round the clock through a FTP server on the intranet. Students can access the material and books anytime from anywhere on the campus.

Book bank

Book bank concept has been implemented in the institute. Under this scheme, every student gets 6 to 8 books for the complete semester. In addition to the support available from library, this scheme supports students to get latest set of books of core subjects for each semester from the college without any hassle. Every student is required to pay a nominal annual fee to benefit from this scheme.


The cafeteria offers a complete range of services, including breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner, supervised by a cafeteria committee to ensure hygiene. The exotic atmosphere is spacious, clean and hospitable and has been strategically built keeping in mind all details for the convenience of the students as most of them come from far off places. This gesture makes them feel at home. The interior is designed such a way that it gives a warm and cozy feeling. The staff is solicitous & the servers are trained to be quick and hospitable. The canteen services are fully fledged with quality products, confectionery items, assorted drinks, tea/coffee, fast food, fried snacks, mini meals, etc.
Tula's Cafeteria


24/7 ATM runs within the Oriental Bank of Commerce campus, making transactions as quick as the blink of an eye. Parents or guardians of students can transfer money online to students, which they can receive immediately. Money transactions can never be an obstacle in a student’s life at Tula’s.


The college offers transportation to all students and members of faculty to the prime locations.

Tula's Transportation

Guest House

The institute provides guest room facilities within the campus for students’ parents, relatives and guests coming to meet their wards. They can avail the facility for a brief stay along with meals from the hostel mess, and cafeteria. However they are charged a nominal amount for the same.


The students have access to a well-equipped gymnasium, allowing them to work out at a time convenient to them. The gym is open in the morning and in the evening. Various equipment like Treadmill, Rowing machine, Cycle, Cross trainer, Twister, Steppers, Ab rollers etc. have been provided. Special trainers have also been employed for the gym. This has been done keeping in mind that a healthy mind can only exist in a healthy body.
Tula's Gym

Shopping arcade

A shopping arcade has been set up within the campus. It has the facility of laundry, a barber’s shop, stationary and a tuck shop. Reprographic facility is also available. First aid boxes have been kept in the Labs, workshop, hostel blocks and with the receptionist. An Ambulance with a driver has been kept stand-by so as to cater to the emergent demand of students. The in-house medical facility comprises of basic amenities providing treatment by a specialized medical staff within the campus. A qualified Physician who is our full time medical consultant is also available 24×7 on call. An infirmary in the campus caters to small ailments.


A shopping arcade has been set up within the campus. It has the facility of laundry, a barber’s shop, stationary and a tuck shop. Reprographic facility is also available.

  • First aid boxes have been kept in the Labs, workshop, hostel blocks and with the receptionist.
  • An Ambulance with a driver has been kept stand-by so as to cater to the emergent demand of students.
  • The in-house medical facility comprises of basic amenities providing treatment by a specialized medical staff within the campus. A qualified Physician who is our full time medical consultant is also available 24×7 on call. An infirmary in the campus caters to small ailments.
  • Hospitals of repute have been kept on the panel.
  • To keep a check on diseases administration of insecticides is done to ensure clean & hygienic
    ambience avoiding several health hazards.

Play ground

A play ground facility is available for sports like cricket, football, volley ball, throw ball, basket ball, badminton and many other outdoor games.

Tula's Play Ground